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Old 2009-08-16, 04:07   Link #5
Absolute Haruhist!
Join Date: Mar 2006
Age: 36
Its the mindset that counts and the Japanese have a very powerful spiritual mindset, they are such hardworking people because they believe in willpower.

Is it really just yoru willpower at work? How can willpower itself work? Of course it can't work with just raw willpower.

But willpower works because the characters had the will to train and make themselves stronger. They become strong enough to have the willpower to do what seems impossible.

If you want to defeat someone, do you just keep thinking and have the will to win? No, besides having the will, you must have the power and means to do it. In other words, your willpower is the drive behind your actions, your capabilities respond to your willpower.

You don't win because you are strong, you win because you refuse to give up.
Originally Posted by roriconfan View Post
I no longer like shonen like Dragonball Z where your power is equal to your willpower. Why do the good guys have more willpower than the bad guys? Not explained, other than assuming the bad guys are not stuck up to their ideals as the good guys are. Something loathsome as the stereotypical villains are always a hundred times more glued to their selfish goals than the heroes are to their friends and their willpower is calculated accordingly.
No its explained by you failed to understand. The good guys have stronger willpower because they have a stronger belief in what they want to achieve. If someone wants to destroy your planet, his selfish intention cannot match the intention of you who wants to protect. Because when you want to protect, you are not only having a single intention, instead your desire is supported by the intentions of many others who want to protect. Your combined intention and wills make your stronger than the single selfish desire of the enemy.

It has always been shown in every single shounen, mecha series out there that the character who fights for others will win. Simply because he is not carrying just his own will, by the combined wills of others who are with him. His willpower is a combined willpower of everyone vs the enemy's single willpower.

In TTGL, at first the Anti-Spiral was stronger than TTGL because it had the entire planet's will united. But when Earth appeared and the Gurren-dan saw the Earth, the realised that they are carrying the wills of their home planet as well, who are shown to have their faith in the Gurren-dan. And in the end TTGL wins because of their many wills which defeated the single united will of the Anti-Spiral.

You see this in Ultraman, Kamen Rider, Super Sentai, Godzilla, Gundam, Digimon, all Super Robots, Shounen, everything. Its the combined many wills of everyone who supports you that defeats the single selfish will.

Over at the One Piece subforum we have this really deep thread called 'Haki discussion'. There I realised that the West have a completely different mindset from the Japanese, its extremely hard for them to understand very simple Japanese concepts.

Its really just a difference in culture that people don't understand.
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