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Old 2012-02-13, 10:06   Link #6
Moe Kyun~!
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Philippines
ROFL...! ^ (Oh the irony!)
Mei: *does a cute dance?*
*All the boys notice her...*
*cue death on all boys* XD

Anyway, Onto speculations!

(1) The countermeasures won't work, cus duhh they're countermeasures.
(2) 2 people are gonna die in July... (probably 2 useless students or something :P)
(3) Mei and Mr. Dense Protagonist is gonna create a club (yes a club!) for solving the supernatural event and determining the Another. The implementation details are unknown, but it could as well be only Mei and him... and some staff members.

My prediction on who's the another? Hmm... can't say, they're too innocent (the students so far). Maybe if it was the staff who was the Another and the students were just all coincidentally 30?
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