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Old 2009-12-24, 14:53   Link #64
Obey the Darkly Cute ...
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: On the whole, I'd rather be in Kyoto ...
Age: 66
Roger Rambo's remarks are typical when someone who understands a topic (like battlefield tactics, for example) goes to see a movie where they didn't hire an advisor with knowledge on the subject.

I remember a movie in the 80s that utilized some flight simulation equipment my company worked on --- we went to see it and spent the entire movie just dropping our jaws at the fundamental errors in dialog, continuity, tactics.... almost every technical aspect was screwed up.

Once at NASA, a movie team put out a call for NASA engineers as extras for a modern movie they were making. We showed up .... they spent the longest time not believing we were engineers... no white shirts, crew cuts, or pocket protectors. It ranged from business casual types to long-haired motorcycle looks and other vectors of fashion.

Apollo 13 was probably one of the few movies where those of us old enough to remember didn't cringe too often. But that's because the director cared about such details.

The sad thing is that it really doesn't cost much in the big picture to run things by someone with a clue.
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