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Old 2009-05-10, 12:40   Link #25
デゲソ!! ( ・_・)ノ
Join Date: Oct 2008
Age: 34
As another one of those odd souls who hasn't touched upon the manga, I have to say that my enjoyment factor has skyrocketed through the roof thanks to these past couple of episodes. Lots of Hinagiku and Maria, which is always good in my book, and lots of laugh out loud humour that doesn't have to rely on references and parodies like the first season did. I can sense something is slowly blooming as the episodes continue to air, and once it happens I can most likely expect lots of epic.

Hayate really is too much of a nice guy for his own good, not even using a single yen of his 1 million for himself... that's what makes him so likeable though~ I had to laugh at Nagi calling the 1 million yen pocket change though... Jesus.

The next episode preview has already got me pumped, I can't wait. Ja-pan... I do miss those Yakitate days.
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