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Old 2004-07-16, 17:33   Link #33
Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: Totally in Japan.
I think there's a lod of leadup to the Shikmaru/Ino hook-up. Basically because he couldn't stand her earlier, and he's starting to soften up. Depending on what age they get to, this may not ever get covered in the story.

Naruto, in all likelihood would hook up with Hinata. Why? Because Sakura's going to die. Which means Lee...will also probably die.

Orochimaru and Sasuke are totally going to hook up. When Orochi talks about Sasuke, he's like Mugatu in Zoolander.

"There goes that #1 rookie Sasuke. He's so hot right now."

I also predict there will be a "thing" between Jiraiya and Tsunade. I don't think they'll like hook up, but Tsunade will have something like a "My biggest regret is that I took your love for granted" moment before she kicks off.

Neji...probably never hooks up. Same for Choji. Kabuto never hooks up either.

Tie-Jutsu Masta is hooking up with everyone, Anko, Kurenai, Shizune...that guy's got tons of....chakra.

I'm almost positive that in an episode of anime filler, Ramen Girl will have a romantic encounter.

For the girls, Ten Ten and Sakura never hook up. Temari will hook up with someone outside the story currently.

Those are my guesses.
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