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Old 2009-03-08, 04:08   Link #197
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Originally Posted by Vexx View Post
Often such votes are mistakes or a misunderstanding of the rating (like a really tragic sad episode getting a "painful").
And how many of those can be attributed to perfect score as well?

Some guys even start giving perfect votes even before episode airs. So yeah, the perfect votes are not always that good indicator of what episode is. Usually painful votes should be giving to utter crap though and Toradora with maybe an exception of third episode which was pointless really is at least average series.

So votes that go instantly to painful rate are rather doubtful, as it could be due to shipping and so on. But just as doubtful are those 'perfect' votes, as again someone express their 'ZOMG! I so love it I don't care what it is about anymore!' feeling as well. So in a whole this whole voting is basically an expressing of ones liking or disliking - you can't say that those voting 'painful' are more unjust, than those voting 'perfect' as in both cases the person who votes is very much effected by the personal preferences and cannot really do proper reflection on the content (but again is proper reflection ever possible).

Personally, I very rarely give 10 or 1, those should be given only on very special occasions. In Toradora's case I give mostly 6's, 7's and 8's which is pretty high in my rating system. I haven't given 10 so far. Closest was 9 for the xmas episode which was really good.
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