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Old 2007-01-05, 03:43   Link #75
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Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: In Maya world, where all is 3D and everything crashes
Age: 36
Originally Posted by Vallen Chaos Valiant View Post
Technically, Nina is already evil to my eyes, so that wouldn't matter much.

She might not be any more racist than say, Mr Orange. But Nina crossed the line when she had the nerve to play as the victim while treating the 11s like animals. The nation of Britannia, if it was permitted to continue its Babel-like existence, would one day hand over the reins to the likes of her. It makes me sick just to think about it...

(...Man, I am being harsh today. Perhaps it's because my ep 12 isn't available yet and is making me cranky? ^_^)

Oh, by the way, Nina's act of self-pleasuring did not change my opinions of her one way or the other. Neither her sexual preference nor her method for express it is of relevance to me to be honest.

my opinion about her didnt change either.. i already thought she was scary.. acting all stalker wise with her computer and the way she responded to Suzaku

actually first when i saw the ep i didnt notice that she was actually masturbating, i was more thinking things like "WTF! is she doing, is she having a seizure or what?!" then i read the comments and rewatched seeing her skirt lifted up quite a bit when Nanali rolled into the room.. Nanali walked on her her then it seems XD thank God she's blind lol
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