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Old 2006-04-19, 08:58   Link #15
Join Date: Jan 2006
Title: Nana
Rating: A
Eps seen:2
Unlike most of you here, I didn't care about the manga, even after hearing about the hype. Then, I watched the debut and I'm mesmerised. Maybe because I had no expectations, that's why I thought it was THAT great.I love the great amount of detail the produces spend on the background. The characters' face seem distorted sometimes, esp Nana's(the noisy one) eyes. But I thought the interaction is so captivating and funny, I kept watching it over and over again. Plus. I sincerely thought the OP and ED rocked! My hopes are definitely up for this one.

Title: Ouran Host Club
[B]Rating: B+
Eps seen: 2
I've seen the manga. Very funny and touching (some parts.) Although the anime lacks the grandeur of the manga, the story sticks real close to it. That's great. And the main difference of anime from manga is the liveliness of it, and I thought the seiyuus did/ are doing, a fantastic job.

Title: High School Girls
Rating: B
Eps seen: 2
Funny Funny Funny!!! I don't care if it's slapstick or lame, the jokes are funny, so I'll keep watching. Too bad there's too much fanservice for my liking...

Title: Strawberry Panic
Rating: C
Eps seen: 2
Eh... there was so much hype about it, but truth is I got bored most of the time. Very noticeable poor animation in ep2 especially. Hope something'll happen to redeem this...

Title: Digimon Savers
Rating: D
Eps seen: 1
Ha. I love the previous digimon series. But they grew worse as the seasons progressed, and finally, this 5th installment just turned me off in 5 minutes. Didn't complete the first ep.
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