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Old 2004-09-08, 18:23   Link #49
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Join Date: Sep 2004
Orochimaru -Do you know the satisfaction and happiness gained by hurting the one i used to call teacher? Ep 71
-I prepared this scenario to let you suffer that sort of happiness. So please enjoy.

This clearly shows that he summoned them for amusement purposes, not as a serious means of combat.
Him staying out of it had nothing to do with being afraid of close combat he was just playing around with sarutobis emotions letting him fight the 1st and 2nd alone.

As for the 10 years younger statements,Ep 74. (this happens when hes grabbed oros soul and has already been pierced by the sword).

sarutobi -Ive come this far, yet i dont have enough strength left to pull this guys soul out?
-are you saying that sacrificing my life isnt enough with this old body?

orochimaru -You could have killed me if you were 10 years younger.

Obviously theyre only talking about the strength to pull out his soul and not about "killing him easily" in a battle as some try to make it sound like.

Also the statement that he is the strongest hokage of all time isnt necessarily true at all.
Anbu translated it to
-He was said to be the strongest amongst the hokage.
bakasan translated it to
-People said he was the strongest of all the hokage.

Clearly iruka was speaking in past tense. Saying this was being said back in the day, before the 4th became hokage so therefor hes not being compared to him there, only to the 1st and 2nd. Also the word hokage is never actually being said in that sentence if you listen to it and has been left out in other translations ...making people saying hes strongest of all at the time. (Definately not comparing him to all hokages uptil present).

Anyway, this was about saru vs oro. Theres no telling whod win an in prime fight when you take all thats been said into context. Probably a very close call.
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