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Old 2009-04-14, 15:35   Link #467
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Join Date: Jan 2006
Originally Posted by Sabaku Kyu View Post
Ichigo may have got confused by Isshin presence, because he and Sinji both notice the huge spiritual pressure at the same time (when Isshin arrives). And Ichigo seems to have trouble determining if it's a hollow or not. Sinji mentioned that he was surprised Ichigo just noticed the hollow presence, but he's surprised himself at the shinigami spiritual power.

Iceringer was just barely strong enough to inconvenience Ishida. Rukia also effortlessly beat DRoy who was also seen talking down to Grand Fisher. But yeah, since Chad did beat down a 3rd seat pretty easily in SS and he was almost taken out by DRoy, I'll admit that GF was maybe seated-officer an arrancar.

..But tying back in, Isshin beating GF with minimal effort should've been something any captain-level could do (though the limit could up the challenge). I'd say most VC's too. There has been a slow power creep in the story and opponents originally stated to be at VC and seated-officer level don't exactly live up to that anymore. Isshin will have to do something much more impressive than beating Grand Fisher before we can say he has strength that surpasses a captain's.
Well you also have to remember that Ishida is pretty much at captain level himself and Chad was 1 shoting 3rd seats in the SS arc. And Rukia is not far from Renji in terms of power and he is sitting on the low end of the captain scale. The upgarded Grand Fisher was also stated to feel more powerful then a MG by
Kon which again places him above the vc mark on the power scale.
Higurashi: Its a bit like watching a trainwreck, except you keep getting to see different trains wrecking with roughly the same passengers, into a variety of different objects. Also, the trains are driven by monkeys. On LSD.
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