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Old 2008-02-04, 09:35   Link #140
does whatever he wants.
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Location: Atop a hill of words.
Originally Posted by Nanashi777 View Post
It's not exactly emo. All it really is is endless chat about pacifism and such. That's the only thing about it that I don't like. It wastes too much time talking and there isn't enough action. And to some guy up there that was attacking the mobile suits....who cares, technically a mobile suit in general is unrealistic, we haven't seen one in modern days at all. Plus they look awesome and kick ___ so why complain? Also, the main reason this is my favorite anime is cuz it was my first and it was my favorite back then too.
They always waste a lot of time talking in Gundam anyway. But that's okay with me, because if one looks deeper into some anime, you can see and perhaps enjoy a lot more than just buttkicking, and displays of penultimate h4xx pending a greater contemporary.

In some series, like SEED, you're thinking, "less talk, more action", because without the action, both SEED (and its source text, the original Gundam series) would be pretty dry, what with having a totally h4xx hero in 'White Devil' Amuro/Kira 'Jesus' Yamato who dodges everything that could be of fatal harm to him (unless shot by Char/Athrun, Creuset/that M-person), and plays out like a shonen series.

But in Wing and its effective remake, double-0, the politics and 'pacifism VS war in the face of a second Cold War/Iron Curtain situation' thing plays a major role in the unfolding of the storyline, and thus the talking is of much greater importance, rather than all the excessive buttkicking that tends to stick to a lot of Gundam like a plague.

Also, double-0 features quite a few rather realistic, albeit ordinary and sometimes rated as "pointless" or "observer" characters. That's all a part of it being a mirror of the future (and in part, the mirror of the present and the past)

So, in my opinion, it would just be better to just appreciate the focus point of a series, unless, of course, the series really botches up its focal points, which doesn't really happen. Although I say that everyone is entitled to their own ([jk] ninja way [/jk]) definition of favorite anime...but I just personally think that anime is most enjoyable when one can not only enjoy the story, but also detect and resonate with some of the nuances (political, cultural and social) that are embedded into it.

And hey, fret not, Gundams aren't that far off. Just get yourself the speed/propulsion of a Concord (which, as a passenger plane at sonic speeds, would be heavier than the average MS), some of those lasers we already have (yes, a certain country's lasers can blast holes in missiles already), and then a century and a half on focusing on the humanoid shape and the extra maneuverability and armament strength, it could be done. Just pray that your government sees the point in spending money on the level of a nation's entire defense budget over this...
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