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Old 2009-03-26, 12:33   Link #1180
Join Date: Oct 2008
If anything, HF is the ending to the story supplied, but I refuse to believe it as the final ending. It does not fit with Nasu's writings.

The thing I see across Nasu's works a lot is the protagonist having to deal with, and accept, himself/herself for who/what they really are and it leaves them with an outlook on life where they confront their past/future/alternate self, and decide or plan on how to live their life based on that.

Spoiler for Tsuki, Fate, KnK spoilers:

I will admit that Notes was listed as merely as a mini-story. It appeared as a doujin work within a compilation of other works so it cannot be seen as a full work. However, it does provide the basis for the Nasuverse albeit being set in a future setting more than 3000 yrs in the future from F/SN, Tsuki, KnK.

In HF, Shirou realizes it at the end who Archer is but as to why Archer is there or what relation Archer has to himself, there is no recognition.

Now this is contradictory to what I've been saying, but I do see the UBW ending as a happy ending. Everything is resolved, the Grail War was not intended to be completely resolved in UBW but just ended for the time being. Shirou knows his possible future and has Rin to keep him on a path away from that ending. Despite this being as happy as it is, I see this as being an ending to Fate.

I don't see Fate as being a closed story, but rather an open-ended question. This is Shirou's life, this is his is he going to live his life from here on? Simply put, the paths of Fate and UBW put forth this question. There is no doubt, the game even states such. It also says that a possible ending is HF, that said it also says that it is the final ending to the Fate story.

If you guys believe HF to be the only answer to the question, or the correct answer, that is on you to believe the wording however you want to. I'm just saying I don't believe it to be and there is no way you can convince me otherwise. I will admit it is a possible ending, a rather forced and really stretched ending, but an ending. I will not admit it as being the only ending nor the correct ending. Go ahead and provide whatever clues you may throw out, but as the story is written as it is, there are far too many inconsistencies and quirks to HF that is so unlike Nasu's other works that I will not believe it to be an ending he truly intended.
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