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Old 2013-02-04, 01:29   Link #131
Daniel Lind
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
You should give Smile Precure a try. There's a lot of good stuff in that show.
You've gotta be joking.
There's five Episode Ones in that show.
There's painfully pointless villain act in that show.
There's dumber than dumb characters in that show.
There's numerous blatant rehashes of plots from older productions in that show.
Absolutely misused motif, absolutely horrible finale that's so template and generic it might as well not have any dialogue, and it also simultaneously rips off MULTIPLE previous Precure works.
Did I mention they were changing what Miracle Jewel's purpose was between episodes like no big deal?
Characters have no arcs or meaningful interactions whatsoever.
Outside of a handful of good original episodes Smile is the absolute low of the franchise and a hackjob.
Animation cuts corners? Check out the episode in which battles are comprised of reused OP animation. Beamspam prevails over fistcuffs so there's rarely things to look at either.

Sometimes I wonder if people who dislike Doki just aren't willing to see Smile go.

Last edited by Daniel Lind; 2013-02-04 at 01:46.
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