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Old 2008-05-01, 14:39   Link #14
Kaioshin Sama
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Neither Here nor There
Age: 39
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I have only one question, is the animation quality back up to it's usual high standards this episode and is there less boingy boingy then last one. I seriously continue to be amused at how people are willing to overlook the bounciness and blatant pandering of some of the characters/scenes in this series, but as I frequently mention, Gundam 00 got levelled for about a quarter of what this series portrays in terms of pandering fanservice and the same people out there even seem to love Macross for the things they hated in that series. And there's no avoiding comparison as the same essential people seem to be watching and having entirely different reactions to what amounts to the same basic elements, albeit in different degrees.

I'm still enjoying it, but I continue to find some aspects of that last couple episodes grating at times so hopefully this episode is one that can restore the fervor I felt at the end of the first and second episodes.
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