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Old 2011-04-26, 22:24   Link #708
Junior Member
Join Date: Jul 2008
Jarvan is basically farm all day, and go to gank or kill your lane whenever your ult is up. Start forcing team fights when you become really tanky and walk all over the opposing team.

Singed is all about baiting opponents into thinking that you're much weaker or much stronger than you really are. Play passively and leave a poison trail and toss a goo and run back in for the kill when you think they are within death range. Or charge in head first when you appear to be really tanky or just really farmed to waste summoners and then come back after for a kill while you still have your summoners/ult to close gaps. Singed is also one of the best split pushers in the game especially after his ult change which allows him to get out of almost any situation with the use of only his ult and one summoner, and if they send 3 or more out to get you the rest of your team should be able to take objectives like other towers, dragon and/or baron, and you still might live the gank with that CC reduction.
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