Thread: Kanon - Q & A
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Old 2006-10-11, 08:19   Link #20
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Thoughts on Kanon 2006 v 2002 ("better" v "different")

Originally Posted by Nightengale View Post
Is there any information on what drove Kyoto Animation to want to remake Kanon? I don't particular remember much of the original series (( other than there was something mind-fuckish that I can't remember )), but I don't think it was particular that bad that it deems a remake.
For my part, I'd say the thought which streamed through my noggin was something to the effect of, "Wow, after seeing AIR, I wonder how Kanon could benefit from KyoAni's royal treatment."

Much to my delight, I learned earlier this year that it was actually happening.

By absolutely no means am I saying the previous one was "bad". Just "different". As one person has said, if you have seen the 2002 ToeiAni version, which I have seen and enjoyed, take it as what it is, another adaptation of the same story. This is much like their motion picture version of AIR was, only they had much less time to work with, unlike episodic television.

So I don't look at either pair and say "Which is better than the other?" I look more and say, "What are they doing that's different from the other?"

Another thought which recently came to mind which concerns the series run length. Did Air's run length (including both specials, but excluding the summary ep) reasonably match the scenario they were trying to follow? I can't say since I have not played the game, though apparently, ToeiAni's version of Kanon doesn't come close, if KyoAni's going to try to match Kanon's.

To wrap up, my personal advice about whether or not to watch the 2002 ToeiAni version, I'd sort of advise against it for now, if anything to keep you from finding out what might lie ahead. However, given that it's a remake, well, YMMV (and so will everyone else's for that matter).

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