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Old 2009-06-08, 16:24   Link #30
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Vereinigte Staaten
Age: 32
I'm generally okay with some swearing as long as my family isn't around, for instance at school if my friend asks me how my test went, I might say "My grade is going to be sh*tty now," or "I'm probably f*cked." I don't swear if there isn't something that's actually frustrating going on, and I think that it lessens the impact of the words if overused.
Outside of school, I only swear among my friends, and sometimes my dad will say sh*t or damn, but it won't be emphasized. My mother, though her knowledge of English is extensive, virtually never swears, and most of the time she speaks Chinese with me anyway. The only time I know of my mom swearing was when she was in a really hellish argument with my older brother (who was kinda a dick in some ways then), and she responded in kind when my brother dropped the F-bomb a few times. I can say that it came as a great shock to me, and I didn't get over it for a couple days.
Some words, most notably F*ck, I never say it by itself, because there's almost never any reason to. The only times I ever do it is when something really dangerous happens really fast, like when my bike slipped in the middle of the street on the way to school once. In that case it's really more of an indication of fear than anything else.
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