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Old 2013-03-30, 23:14   Link #9
Hiding Under Your Bed
Join Date: May 2008
The Witcher 2. I'd also recommend The Witcher (first game), but the combat is...not noob friendly, and I know it turned a lot of normal rpg players away from an otherwise great game. I think you can get away with playing #2 without playing #1.

Hard for me to say, as the games are based on a world created in a bunch of novels. One could say the games are continuing the story from those novels, and I had read those novels prior to playing. There are definitely many things within both games only novel readers would get, but I wouldn't let that stop you. Most people who played the games almost certainly never read the novels.

There aren't a whole lot of deep, story-driven, immersive modern RPGs for the computer. A number of sandboxes (ie: Skyrim, Fallout 3/Vegas, etc-essentially little to no story, but a big sandbox to rpg out in). You've played DA and ME. There are a ton of things I disliked about DA 2, but I actually enjoyed the story, even if it made fanboys rage like a Hitler youtube clip.

Tons of older RPGs, but your posts seem to indicate you're looking for good graphics, so I won't bother recommending those (ie: Baldur's Gate I, II, and expansions, Arcanum, Planescape: Torment, Anachronox, Jade Empire, NWN: Hordes of the Underdark, NWN 2: Mask of the Betrayer, FF Tactics (emulator), Xenosaga/gears/blade (emulator), Tactics Ogre (emulator), Ogre Battle (emulator),
Shadow Hearts (emulator), Shadow Hearts: Covenant (emulator), Lunar (emulator), Lunar: Eternal Blue (emulator), gonna stop there, as there's just way too many oldie RPGs with great stories/immersiveness to count).
It feels like years since they've been updated, btw.
Also, cake.
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