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Old 2007-08-19, 13:14   Link #64
Metroid of Humor
Join Date: Mar 2006
Originally Posted by Mirificus View Post
There's no point in sending Fate after Jail if she can't capture or disable him.
An Enforcer is a one mage army. Of COURSE she's there to stomp him into the ground. I fully expect everything short of 'Aku wo tatsu tsurugi' when she gets there.

Originally Posted by Mirificus View Post
Hayate would probably be ideal for that while unisoned with Rein. She doesn't even need to defeat the numbers. She just needs to keep Jail from moving.
Except that Hayate has the subtly of a thermonuclear weapon. Unisoned with Rein she's a doomsday weapon and she wouldn't be able to hold Jail because Jail knows they want to capture him. Hayate's lightest attack spell would probably erase his base from the face of the planet.

They need to disable, but not destroy, the Cradle. Which requires a surgical strike by people with experience in assaulting hostile installations.

They need a group of people who can fight in urban warfare situations against the Numbers.

They also need some more bodies at Jail's base to grab him before he squirms loose. They don't want him dead because they want to pick his brain to find out what he's left behind as a spoilsport measure.
- Kicking it old school.
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