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Old 2012-09-26, 23:43   Link #3255
Senior Member
Join Date: Jan 2010
RAWS are up and Js06 posted this chapter's summary, weird that no one posted it here yet.
Originally Posted by js06
Mikoto checks through Baba's trailer but can't find any information on Misaki.
Misaki's clique wants to search for Mikoto but can't organize due to Daihaseisai events getting in the way.
They wish Misaki was there, Saten overhears them, and is reminded hat Misaki can manipulate memories.
Saten, Awatsuki, and Wannai check on Kongou who will be fine.
They get that swim team member to read Dog's memory where that foreign scientist is seen speaking Latin.
They tell Saten to call Mikoto, she belatedly realizes she wouldn't have Mikoto's number, but then finds it in her phone.
Misuzu and Uiharu chance across each other and Uiharu mentions the GPS cards all visitors must wear.
The goth loli girl used Misuzu's to track her down and decides to take Uiharu hostage.
Saten meets with Kuroko and speculates that Misaki messed with their memories and they might actually know Mikoto.
Saten calls Mikoto and asks to meet with her to discuss the matter.
The goth loli girl appears saying she wants to ask Mikoto something and has Uiharu as a hostage.
22 pages for a 2 month wait..
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