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Old 2011-06-15, 00:39   Link #123
Crossdressing Menmatic
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Where you live... the question is, do you see me?
Age: 30
Originally Posted by DragoonKain3 View Post
Not sure why so much hate on Ko. He's like the antithesis of the indecisive male lead of a harem anime.
In Ko's case he's already admitted his feelings, once openly and now indirectly. It's quite embarrassing to confess to someone; confessing again seems not only humiliating but also self-deprecating. If you have to confess more than once to a girl, then something's a little strange with your love interest. Is she not responding because she's too shy to admit her side, or does she want to put you down gently without damaging your feelings? Due to Ohana's silence, Ko has to worry about being an annoyance to Ohana, so he's playing it safe by implying his feelings have not changed since their last encounter. Come on, fanbase... Ohana has to take some responsibility!

I don't recall Ohana ever thinking to herself "I like Ko" or any variations on the quote. There's still a chance she's not romantically attracted to Ko.

I get the feeling the "mystery guest" merely reports on the inn, and the reviewer actually types up the article based on the mystery guest's observations. Of course, since the whole system was rigged from the top anyway, there isn't much the mystery guest can do. Or maybe the woman in episode 9 was just a secretive blogger. Bummer.
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