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Old 2012-07-02, 10:04   Link #11
Senior Member
Join Date: May 2011
Here's my review, not much different from the rest of you guys in the end..

Animation Quality: 9 for illustration/visual quality, 5 for animation quality. There's a notable gap between on the one hand the quality of the static imagery like backgrounds, cgi models, character drawings in static scenes, and on the other hand the quality of the animation when there actually is animation. The latter is very low, but there isn't much of it.

As an overall "visual appeal" rating I'd put it as a 7 for me, the cheapness of the animation got to me after awhile, and the lack of diversity in the settings and backdrops also grew very, very tiresome.

Voice Actors: 8-10, depending on the role. Mykage aside, no one was really mind-blowingly good for me, but no one did a bad job.

Script: 7 first half, 5 first half of second half, 3 from 22 onwards. I don't have as many complaints about the scripts as some of you guys do, they're never that bad (actually-bad scripts are truly terrifying and rarely make it to air in any genre). Most of the problems with the writing have more to do with the editing, about which see below.

Soundtrack: 9, not really anything bad to say. Everything was very good, but I there wasn't anything stand-out enough to push this into 10/10 territory.

Enjoyment: 7 for watching it and discussing it, about a 4 by the end.

Emotional Involvement: started high (8-9?), ended low (2-3?). The longer the show ran on the more the things that first drew me into it started to fade out, and such new elements as were introduced later either also fizzled out or weren't enough to compensate on their own.

Editing: 2. I'm using editing for "scenario planning" or "cohesiveness", and moved it to the end because it's what I have the most to say on. Short version: the story feels like the writing equivalent of starting out trying to make steak and potatoes with broccoli on the side, realizing your beef isn't not quite "steak-grade", and deciding instead that you should make some chinese-style beef with broccoli. But then when you do that for a bit you realize you don't have any rice, so you wind up improvising and serve the beef-and-broccoli on top of bowls of mashed potatoes (instead of rice, because you didn't have any rice, right?) . Would've been far better either to take the time to make rice or to serve the potatoes on the side.

If that's too opaque, it's as if the story ideas -- the characters, the settings, the major plot points and major conflicts, etc. -- are largely conceptual leftovers from some fairly different initial story concept (or several past revisions, perhaps?), and don't really mesh well together. There's just too much contortion to get it all to work together, and even then despite all that contortion it still doesn't really work well most of the time in the second half (like beef-and-broccoli over mashed potatoes, ). Nothing actually fits together very well, and I don't think it's just "bad writing" at the technical, script-writing level that's to blame; that's probably a mix of weak creative control and a rushed/resource-constrained production environment.

Compounding this problem is that the plot itself is full of "wild plot twists" that turn out to be basically pointless by the end, but still seem as though they must've forced the writers to go through even more contortions to fit them in. If you've watched the show you can probably guess the major twists I'm thinking of, and to a one I don't think they bring enough to the table to have been worth the effort to include.

Overall: 4 for me, hypothetical 7 for someone marathoning it with low expectations. If there's ever an OVA or movie(s) I'll check them out, but maybe only once the dust has settled and I can take them in in one go.
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