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Old 2006-08-31, 22:37   Link #59
Aria Company
Join Date: Nov 2003
Seems like flyff's been having server problems the past two days. I was just dced and can't log back in... Plus earilier today lawolf was down. Mia server was flooded with lvl 1 characters from people with characters on lawolf. I got to level up res with my assist thanks to them.

Anyway, my characters are:

Kozue4356(f)- fs assist, lvl 28, mia server. My favorite character. I say she's full support, but really I put a few points into str and leveled tamping hoe so I can defend myself a bit. Still, I can barely fight one on one with mias, which are lvl 23 monsters.

Nanoha4356(f)- mage, lvl 24, mia. My strongest character by far, Such devestating spells. Now if I can just find a staff that looks like raging heart...

Kamui4356(m)- merc lvl 21, mushpoie. Not a bad character, but I have't really played much with him lately as I haven't decided whether to go knight or blade...

Nadia4356(f)- bow acro, lvl 18, mia. Got off to a slow start, but now that she's gained a few levels, I'm starting to like her. shame junk arrow misses so often. Though if it didn't the game would be horrible unbalanced, as if all 4 shots hit it'd do about 1000-1200 damage almost immediately. *250-300 x4*

I want to make a combat assist at some point, and a yoyo acro. That can wait a bit though.
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