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Old 2012-06-25, 19:00   Link #6347
The Flame Crussader
Join Date: Aug 2009

Cypha managed to break into Signum's offensive repeatedly with the shield being the pilar of her combat strategy as it was the only thing preventing Cypha from dicing her in first place (and only did a semi-decent job at that), Signum managed to land a couple of slashes on Cypha and several shots with Silver bullets, none of that managed to slow Cypha in the slightiest, only pissing her off. The origin of my previous argument with Keroko is that Signum did a far better job at fighting Cypha with Laevatein skill wise in comparission with AEC-Cleaver (and no, i'm not talking about durability if you want to bring that about, we already have three pages of that, go back and read if you're curious xDU).

The shield is presumably the piece of equipement with the bigger endurance as it's main purpouse is to protect Signum from enemy hits. Cypha managed to brake the shield with finger pressure from her bare hand, a bad omen for the cleaver's endurance if Cypha really became furious. All damage Cypha suffered on Ch. 24 was superfluous to an EC Driver of her level save the chopped arm ...and even that can be restored with minimal effort.

Now that we touched this issue, Cypha mentioned something in Ch. 23 about how to use and giving form to EC energy to perform attacks or another effects, i wonder if she needs to use her hands to activate the regeneration of limbs or if that can be performed handless with enough concentration. If that were the case then a sure way to defeat Cypha for real would be to cut both of her arms at the same time. It soudns really nice but until further proof came out that's only optimistic speculation from my part xDU

Lastly, i really doubt Cypha will go "oh noes, she's just too much for me i should escape before she kills me".
May 29 2010-2019

...9 years ago, the day after never would be the same

~The ASFB~
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