Thread: Licensed Rosario+Vampire Manga
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Old 2011-02-17, 13:55   Link #18996
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Originally Posted by tyranuus View Post
Could also be because he couldn't at that point in time. Whilst he is stronger and faster than any normal human, he's still not superhuman in his standard state. His higher power outbursts are usually in times of emotional high/desperation, and often accompanied by the surges of youkai which damage the lock.
Whilst the lock is still intact, holding back his power and he's still fully rational, it's quite possible that he wasn't physically able to up his youkai to the level needed to increase his speed and strength far enough. Touhai's old in his standard form, but he's still not human, no way near, and he has experience on his side.
To quote Marvel 'you wouldn't like me when I'm angry'.

After that reconstruction procedure, that may no longer be the case; as to use Ayashi arts it'd be a simple and logical progression to believe it'll up the flow of Youkai around his body, as well as any other side effects it may garner to his physical body in the process.

Either way the story is picking up pace; there's plenty of potential for development and plot progression now so I'm happy
Well, that's a possibility as well, but considering the fact that Tsukune should be capable of controlling his youkai energies to some extent, it shouldn't be a problem for to increase the amount of youkai energy Tsukune is currently using...

Still, we don't know a lot about Tsukune's condition and like you said, while Tsukune is certainly above a normal human, he still might not be strong enough to fight against opponents like Tohou Fuhai for example, which means that he is going to need improve that - and I agree with you that Tsukune's improvement in using his vampire abilities is going to be some side effect of the human modification ritual...

Although, in my opinion _ Tsukune is still going to need the Holy Lock after the ritual - well, it might be possible that Tsukune is going to be able to remove it for a short amount of time, but I don't think he's going to undergo such an improvement that Tsukune is going to be able to safely use his powers without the Holy Lock for some unlimited time - true there might have been some improvement in the case of the restraints put on Tsukune's full capabilities, but I don't think they will be completely removed as one of the results of Tohou Fuhai's ritual - if that happened, in my opinion, it wouldn't be a case of good writing skills...
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