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Old 2012-01-18, 16:38   Link #88
The Dark Knight
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: From the deepest abyss in the world, where you think?
Age: 38
Damn it lost my post.

The arguments from the posts are making the flame hazes out as the bad guys and trying to make the denizens seem the good guys with arguments like,

power =/= humans.

The majority of denizens (99%) eat humans so I'll stick with that definition.

Spiral Organ feeds only on torches and this does not affect the balance much so she's not an enemy of the Flame hazes.

Pheles doesn't need to feed anymore because she's got her boy toy to fill her up inside.

They are special circumstances but generally speaking denizens need to feed on humans in order to sustain themselves in Earth. The badder ones use more in order to achieve "miracles"

The argument was that consuming humans wasn't the only method but in reality it is as torches are made by humans anyways.

There has never been an instance of a flame haze feeding on a human to power themselves and while the novel doesn't go into it it is what it is. To do so would defeat the purpose.

When yuri was battling annabest his lord told him that he was just about to run out of energy which I guess would mean he would die if he did so it's not unlimited. I'm guessing the Lord provides it and because of their massive potential regenerates it daily.

This is why I stated that the second a Crimson Lord steps onto earth they need to start consuming PoE to remain there. AKA Alastor being released.

Of course, maybe there is a flaw in Yuji's plan. Maybe the Flame Hazes are right, and Yuji will only destroy the world if left unopposed. But we don't know the answer to that yet. It's possible that the Flame Hazes may not be "bad guys" but rather good guys who are fighting on the wrong side because they are misguided.
I'm more curious as to where yuji is getting the necessary power to actually clone an entire world. This is one of the reasons the Flame Hazes went against him as making even an isolated world required tons of PoE
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