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Old 2006-01-30, 23:38   Link #104
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Los Angeles
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[QUOTE=Slayerx]Though we've argued the mattar to death in the past, i kinda just thought of something that i never mentioned before...

aside from the fact that how you interpret the text can mean a number of things, thus making it not very strong... In that scene where the gov't talks of Shanks... now you say that its evidnce that he is a Schihibukai... however, at the same time, they mentioned the issue and then quickly brushed it aside to handle a more important matter, find a new 7th member... However, if Shanks is indeed a Schihibukai, then shouldn't the idea of shanks meeting with whitebeard and leaving the schihbukai be just about as important if not more important then find a 7th member... Personally i'd be more worried about Shanks leaving and becoming an enemy then find a new member... i mean, if Shanks leaves, not only can Shanks be considered a potential and powerful threat, but they will have yet another position they need to fill... they really should look at both matters in equal importance...

You'd think that they would atleast mention him more then then just that one time in their metting... especially mention it to the other schihibukai

If you say that simple text meant a number of things your comprehension skills are way off. You read what the Gouresei said about Shanks "IF something were to happen to Red- Hair things will be tough". That is why they will monitor the situation between Shanks and Whitebeard. Also they are not worried about Shanks leaving because the elder said that "He is not a man who would try to change the world under his own will". That is why it is not as important as finding a replacement for Crocodile. Crocodile's Stripped title leaves only "A small Hole" said by one of the Elder's. It is still important to tie up loose ends in one of the three powers of the world.

So answering your questions with the obvious still leaves more evidence that Shanks is in the Shichibukai. While what you said holds no water at all. Their is just more evidence shown that Shanks is involved with the Shichibukai then him not being one at all.
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