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Old 2012-06-18, 12:26   Link #128
Riding the Ange Express
Join Date: May 2012
Location: Sunriseland
Originally Posted by Zuul View Post
Have Mikono ditches both dudes.

They have gone way too far with their obssessions. they don't deserve to be rewarded over it.

It would make sense with some of the theme thrown around. Not that evol has been consistent with the theme so far...
I don't see that happening. They kept pushing the Amata and Mikono thing on us for them to not go through with it in the end.

Mikono obviously likes both of them. She wants to have her cake and eat it too. They're gonna probably have them fuse or kill Kagura off.

A while back I would have said the best thing to have Amata fight against destiny it to become his own man. He kinda did in episode 15 when he gained the Detachment Wings power but they changed him right back to the way he was the next episode. There's that inconsistency problem again...

To quote a post I saw on this thread, unfortunately I can't remember who posted it at the moment, but I will give credit when I find them.

"In the end he's not fighting to save the world. He's just fighting some dude over a girl while the world turns to chaos around him." Now, don't you just wanna get behind him, his quest and his relationship?

Korps! has a good idea with the whole retcon thing.
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