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Old 2007-03-19, 02:47   Link #330
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Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: California
Age: 36
I believe this whole argument comes down to the probable success or likelihood of failure of the SAR.

I will say this, it is mostly speculation as to what would have been a result of such a proposal. Hence, it has become somewhat subjective but it is still mostly objective. We all know it will not succeed, but whether it could have is what I'm trying to argue.

I understand that everybody feels that this will only increase the tension and animosity between Elevens and Britannians. For the most part, I'd agree that the differences between them will stand for a long time. But if we separate them and let them operate on their own agendas, then in time they could come to terms and potentially work together for a better resolution. Given that the region is a rather small area, it'd be rather difficult to relocate all the Japanese people into it. But in time, to meet the needs of the people, they might expand the area to better suit everyone. The times they're in are really hostile times. They have no chance if this continues to reconcile matters, and it's not an issue you can effectively change in the blink of an eye. It takes time. Let the Japanese people establish themselves once more, gain some influence outside of miltaristic power, and they may essentially regain their country.
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