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Old 2011-07-06, 12:53   Link #60
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Join Date: Apr 2011
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Great voice acting by Miyano this episode
His voice definately matched how Okarin feel in this episode:sadness,rage,desperate,regretfulness
Okarin almost suffered a mental breakdown when he felt he was powerless and watched Mayuri died countless times.Luckily,Kurisu cheered him up with the mad scientist pose (I liked it) and lent her hand of help.
And finally it was revealed that Suzuha=John Titor and the world line theory was briefly explained.

Actually,I dislike some people who branded Okarin as idiotic or annoying just because he did not enlist the help of others when he was trying to save Mayuri.Like I said in the last episode discussion,Okarin was deeply traumatised by Mayuri's first death and after that trying to save Mayuri himself and not getting others involved in the matter.He became more and more desperate each time she died in front of his eyes.How can a desperate person think properly in this kind of situation?Can you think out of box when your emotions have overcome rationality?What he need is just someone who can pull him out of his own trap and calm him down so that they can devise out a plan properly.

The brief explaination of world line theory in the anime is good enough.We now understand that there are multiple world lines which the two out of many world lines are described as Alpha and Beta world lines and the number appeared each time Okarin triggered his Reading Steiner is called the World Line Divergence Rate that can be traced up to 6 decimal points.The current divergence rate shown in the divergence meter is 0.337187% and Suzuha explained that the world will enter into Beta world line which will lead to a different future if 1% divergence rate is passed.We also knew that there were major events in the past which caused big changes in divergence rate depending on choices such as Millenium Bug event,Gulf War and this time in 2010 is the invention of first incomplete time machine.However,there is one more theory that the anime did not clearly explained though and that there should be a more appropiate name to the so called Alpha and Beta "world lines" (a bundle of world lines should not be called world lines anymore).I do hope that the next episode will finish off all the explainations.
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