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Old 2011-02-26, 01:53   Link #808
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Join Date: Jan 2010

To continue with some points:

Originally Posted by wisteria233 View Post
But that doesn't change the fact that they are all the songstresses of their series. While Sharon Apple was the image Myung was the song, besides that Sharon Apple also doesn't appear in that CD does she? I think them appearing the the CD had more to do with other reasons, and wasn't dependent on their role as being the singer of their series.
To me it changes it in the acknowledgment. If you see who are mentioned as legendary singers in TFS are Minmay, Sharon Apple (doesn't matter Myung was behind her song, Sharon is the star) and Fire Bomber (Basara mostly). It shouldn't be that way, but it's a repeating tradition.

Originally Posted by wisteria233 View Post
Oh trust me they did, during the original airing of Macross Frontier Ranka did have more pictures than Sheryl, who only seemed to get more pictures after they realized that she was more popular. In series though Ranka overshadowed Sheryl, but to quite a few viewers Sheryl overshadowed Ranka in terms of song, love, and characterization. Irony is funny is it not?
I... haven't said anything that I disagree with it? I said that Ranka used to be promoted over Sheryl, but Sheryl overshadowed her popularity. I think Ranka was mean to be a single star while Sheryl the romantic lead. But the issue was with growing May'n popularity and Sheryl's appeal in general, you know? So Sheryl defined her musical career while Ranka's... was shaky?

It's no secret who ranks higher in charts, polls, etc.

Used to, keywords. Sheryl turned this around which IMO
Spoiler for spoilers for triangle resolution in movie:

Originally Posted by wisteria233 View Post
Yeah the love triangle was always pretty one-sided in the tv series, I mean Alto only reacts to Ranka in the tv series only once, and there's no follow up after that, Ranka pretty much just loses touch with him. I mean even the promotional material used to show Alto and Sheryl in romantic situations or poses, while Ranka was just depicted as either a person to be saved, or as the little sister. (eg: there is one picture with Alto in Ranka's room, but its far from romantic as Ranka is wearing what looks like an animal suit. In said picture Ranka was drawn younger, so much so that my friends thought that she was Alto's little sister. Said picture was one of the last promotional materials for the tv series.
I had real trouble to take Ranka/Alto very seriously TV series wise when they dressed her like a 10 years old sometimes... Movie wise (first movie at any rate), this was so much better handled in terms of chemistry. They got the rid off those creepy outfits that projected some unfortunate pedophilia vibes.

I do think Alto WAS attracted to Ranka (he did blush, didn't he?)... but his feelings for Sheryl simply grew stronger. He could commit to remain on Sheryl's side, not to Ranka's. That speaks louder than words. To Ranka, he wanted her to sing. He puts Frontier over her life. To Sheryl, he didn't demand her to sing. He puts her life over Frontier.

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