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Old 2012-09-23, 06:11   Link #145
a.k.a Enki
Join Date: Sep 2012
This is the first SAO that i gave a 10. Because it was perfect. It had fighting (and more dual wielding) it had romance, it had story development. It also had Kirito rage screaming "KAYABA!!!". That was nice. Very nice.

I think the fact that yui was "erased" was useful. I mean, it would upset the balance of the game a lot to have a Yui Ex Machina, isn't it?

But i wonder, why does a level 1 town have a level INF dungeon and also a seemingly DM Monster (Infinite damage infinite hit points) in it. I can guess that maybe it was a kind of "testing" area for programmers of the game (or Kayaba).

I think the overall Kirito- Asuna dynamic is progressing well, they seem so coordinated. Like when Yuriel asked them to help Asuna was "hey, fact check" and Kirito was "let's kick ass and worry later". It shows to very opposite world views that work good togheter.

When Asuna decided to help Kirito (that weird "tri-wielding" is it even possible?) it showed that she is not only a "trophy wife" and she can kick ass and take names. Even if they were the ones getting their assed kicked and almost died.
I can see it... i can see the ending
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