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Old 2006-05-25, 00:16   Link #70
Join Date: Nov 2004
Originally Posted by bobrobberts
I don't think Franky will be the 8th crewmember. Something about him seems off. The way he looks, his voice, and even his back story doesn't seem to fit the rest of the crew.
Sorry, but just because you don't like the way he looks doesn't mean he can't join. Look at Chopper. He's way more different than anyone else. All their backstories are entirely different. I don't see how any of them "fit" with each other more than another. Actually Luffy's past is the most different from everyone else's.

Yeah he has a tragic past, but it doesn't seem so tragic compared with everyone else.
Yeah, seeing your father/mentor get accused of a crime he didn't commit and get shot right in front of you and as a sacrifice, get carried off to be executed so you don't have to be isn't as tragic as seeing your friend's arm get bit off from saving you but otherwise fine.

The things that happened to him was his fault, whereas the rest of the crew are victims of the situation. He shouldn't have built the warship, but at the same time, Iceburg has been telling him that for years.
Luffy got himself into a bad situation by not trusting Shanks and going off to confront a dangerous man. It WASN'T Franky's fault that his ships were stolen and used for evil. He could have been more careful about them, but that's like placing the blame of a rape on the girl because she was dessed immodestly. And TOM said it was perfectly good for him to build those ships.

Also, he has Franky Family. Where ever he goes, they'll go with him.
Who's to say? Oda mentioned in an SBS that Franky Family are made up of people who failed to get into Galley-la. I wouldn't be surprised if that is still their dream. Remember that Sanji said he'd never leave Baratie either.

I think the 8th crewmember will be someone not shown. Someone we haven't met.
Here's my take on what might happen. Goin Merry sank. Even if you bring it up, you can't restore it. However, you can salvage pieces of it. The head piece is probably the most important. They're going to put that on a new ship. They may even use the same wood from Goin Merry to built parts of the ship. This way, she will still be part of the crew. They can portray it as her being reborn or upgraded. While everyone is fighting in the Lobby, the 8th crewmember will be working on the ship. It would probably be his/her design. Then, when the Strawhat pirates come, he/she will surprise them with the ship and ask to join the crew. We'll then know more about the person as more episodes go by. Oh, and the reason why Luffy lets him/her into the crew so easily is because as a hobbie, he/she is a musician.
OK, that smells so much of a bad Mary Sue that it's sickening. XD

No, no no. That's bad storywriting. It's entirely possible that it'll turn out that nobody joins this arc. But if it's anyone, it'll be Franky. Otherwise, big waste of character development.
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