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Old 2008-10-14, 19:51   Link #73
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Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: A land far, far away... or very, very close, depends on where you live
Hmm, there remain two emperor's who've yet to have an appearance, one of whom's name has not yet even been revieled.

From what we have seen of Shanks and Whitebeard... well, they don't really seem to do much of anything. Yes, Whitebeard is currently leading an invasion against the World Government but only because he was provoked.

I speculate that for the most part they serve as sentinels to the New World, possibly even to One Piece itself. Rayleign does state that the only member of Roger's crew officially captured was Roger himself, perhaps each of the Emperors was once part of his crew and are now serving as guard to his greatest treasure(I know at least Shank was an apprentice under Roger, we don't know anything about the other Yonkou so anything goes with them, its only Whitebeard who breaks this mold as I'm pretty confident he was his own captain around the same time as Roger).

But for whatever reason, these guys seem to be the watchdogs of the New World. Kaido was said to have taken down Moria in the New World by the grand Shichibukai himself though a reason was never supplied. Maybe he just wasn't worthy to sail thier great sea...
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