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Old 2013-09-20, 08:18   Link #734
Von Himmel
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Dollars
Seii is a Rank 1 Sword. She acts to preserve the balance of the Sword verse by basically countering Narukana. She doesn't seem to care for the Law/Eternal war.

And as for Law Eternals wanting to merge everything together, well, for Temuorin seems getting Myuugi's power is a main part of that.
If she doesn't care about the war, then does that mean her sword doesn't care about the origin sword too? I guess when you're at that level your priority will be different than those below you.. Also, what do you mean by 'balance'? I mean what forces that she tries to keep stable?

Also Temuorin is really shaping up to be the main manipulator there

About the law eternal, I remember Ryuutoria somewhat mentioned back in Aselia. I haven't finished Orpha route yet as of my second playthrough now.. but I remember some trivia saying that she's fighting alongside wisdom. Is there some sort of explanation fo this?

Aroduc finished translating the whole script in the first week of August. Now we are just waiting for editing to be done, at least enough to get a trial out.
Where did you get that information?

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