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Old 2012-07-29, 16:00   Link #1267
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Join Date: Oct 2010
Originally Posted by Kaisos Erranon View Post
If you would compare the character designs they're using here to the ones used in the Clannad or Angel Beats anime, they don't really look that similar at all.
Again, I'm saying nothing here about the actual quality of the adaptation; all we have to go on right now is the visuals, and quite frankly I feel they're inferior to what they could have and should have been.
On the contrary, I thought they stuck to Na-ga and Itaru Hinoue's designs quite well, with the proportions much improved here. Key can never seem to get that right in their art.

The only thing here is JC staff's trademark usage of saturated color fills. It somwhat fits, because LB had a very bright palette to begin with, but with the lack of shading, lining, and artistic details that is so typical of JC staff works, it makes it look far worse than the two comparisions you brought up.

It still is faithful to the original design though, and across the board, I'm able to tell quite distinctly that it's all Key's style.

As it stands though, this is already one of JC staff's better efforts I've seen in awhile, putting it in line, or even above Ano Natsu, and from the PV, the characters looks great in motion, much better than the staunted, choppy animation I'm used to seeing from JC staff. (Although, at this point, it looks to me as if they're merely increasing the FPS. Big anime = Big budget, I guess?)

Last edited by com_gwp; 2012-07-29 at 16:10.
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