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Old 2010-12-03, 14:11   Link #216
Senior Guest
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: Athens (GMT+2)
Age: 35
Tanks got grades too (for example you can't compare Alistar or Garen to Vlad, because the latter uses up his HP for his own ulti and escape skill, and is susceptible to exec.blade and ignite, while the other two can take buckloads of punishment and remain in a battle for a kill). So, start off by picking on the weakest, and make sure you get a proper initiator (Malphite or Trundle, that is, with Lux, Sona, the other tank and MF as follow-ups). Suffice to say, it's ALL about teamwork. If your mates just run into every brush they see and get ganked, you can only hug your tower...speaking of which, funny story: I was playing as Swain (epic champion btw) and was defending mid->bot, so I check every brush there is before engaging blitzcrank, but the second he starts fisting me, 4 dudes jump out of nowhere, group flash style. Oddly enough my ultimate kept me alive for 4 seconds of ceaseless pummeling, on my first time playing him 0_o
But yeah, that's me. In your case, bad matchups are just bad. Although, tanks really only shine if you let them grow (both in items and level), so what is done early game will be the deciding factor as to whether your Sona can shave 1/3 of their HP while Lux and MF take care of the rest, or whether you'll all get CC'd and die in a long minute of anguish.
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