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Old 2010-09-05, 23:15   Link #293
Join Date: Mar 2006
Absolutely fantastic. I dare say this is up there with some of the best stories I've ever read. Interesting and original way of taking the "save the world with a team of superhero friends" concept and turning it into one of the best written character growth stories I've ever had the pleasure of reading.

Normally when authors have such large casts they struggle to fit enough time in for more than a few key characters, but here enough time is given to all characters that you get to know them well enough. There's action, love, romance, sadness, philosophy,'s an incredible journey that has been crafted. I enjoyed that the deaths of characters had meaning, that even those who moved on would still be around somehow. The level of maturity in this story is handled with care and attention. The stuffed animals at the end was a really nice touch. Some might nitpick about the relationship pairings or the unknowns of the timeline because of Animus and Anima's interference but for me personally they had enough detail and explanation that the rest is done enough justice to allow your imagination to fill in the blanks.

When I read stories like this, I can't help but wonder why they aren't more popular, but given that many stories like this often get canceled early I am so very happy this one was allowed to conclude and in the best way possible.
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