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Old 2011-03-04, 02:29   Link #13
Guardian Enzo
Seishu's Ace
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Kobe, Japan
I see lots of good names on the board already, but I'll add a couple:

Kitamura Kou, Cross Game. The perfect balance of confidence and humility, snarkiness and seriousness, and general awesomeness. He's GAR without having to prove it and he's the puppet master, silently observing and guiding those around him without them realizing he's pulling the strings.

Chagum, Seirei no Moribito. One of the best male leads and best child leads of any series, anime or otherwise. Noble in the way it matters - not by blood, but by his heart and mind. Watching him grow over the course of 26 episodes and watching the way his innate decency impacted those around him was a joy.

Goro Honda, Major. Through all his incarnations, always GAR. Straight-ahead, foolish but noble, insanely talented and even more insanely competitive. He's everything a great shounen lead should be.

Kenshin Himura, Rurouni Kenshin. He's everything else a great shounen lead should be. In many ways I think Kenshin is the perfect character, which is a credit to his creator, Nobuhiro Watsuki. His circumstances are pathos incarnate but that wouldn't be enough to make him great; no, he's also gentle, sad yet whimsical, and indescribably GAR.
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