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Old 2012-10-29, 23:53   Link #409
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Join Date: Nov 2010
Laem has slaves, as show in chapter 139, pages 9 and 10. However it is likely that the there are basic rules in regards to what you can and cannot due to the slaves, and rules in which they can be freed from the slavery itself. The roman empires population was about 30-40% slave also.

The reality problem is that in a societies that are pre-industrial has been way too common throughout history, and often has been only broken by means of blood and steel. Lots and lots of blood. Even then, what would often happen is the rebellion would be put down, with the loss of hundreds of thousands of lives, and eventually the status of the slaves, then serfs, and eventually freeman, would slowly improve.

It was not fully ended until the early industrial revolution's manpower demands caused the cities to start draining the countryside of people.

So to end slavery, you better get ready for a really really bloody fights and battles coming soon.
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