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Old 2012-07-20, 09:57   Link #22557
Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Gensokyo
The usual pro gun vs anti gun debate after the Ô so common crime news that happen every two months.

Though I agree with you mangamuscle ,even if the majority of Us citizens found that selling weapons is stupid, it wouldn't change a thing, because we are talking about US huh, if the two big party, DEM and GOP agree on something, that means there are some money behind and so far it has always been lobby that made the law.

And the problem isn't really whether they sell gun or not, US is in a "gun culture", you can change law, changing culture is a whole different problem, if selling gun becomes illegal ( let's dream) it will simply go on the blackmarket. And as a mexican I think you perfectly know what happens when there's a huge blackmarket mafia.
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