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Old 2012-06-11, 12:03   Link #1090
ANEGO Worshiper
Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: By the vending machine, drinking tea.
"The gods won't be appeased with an old sacrifice! It must be a young one!"
Suuuuuure it has nothing to do with he fact that you're old innit?

Anyways...the way things were going I predict that Yuuko will merge with Shadow Yuuko and move on in the final episode. There will probably be a very bitter-sweet farewell in the last moment and the anime will end with just Teiichi walking away from the school gate with the other two next to or behind him. Possibly a final shot with Teiichi in the very same position by the window that Yuuko is usually in the ending credits.
There probably won't be any "He ends up with Kirie cause she's a Yuuko clone" or anything about his future, it'll just end it there, when Yuuko vanishes and leave an open ending.
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