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Old 2011-08-10, 22:52   Link #15
The One Eyed King
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Lurking Up Ahead
Originally Posted by SagaraSouske View Post
Clare's QS was just after she received Irene's arm. So she hasn't really fully mastered it. Clare added youki prediction to her QS in Witch's Maw and since then, whenever she uses QS, it's really QS Ver 2 (with Youki Prediction).
My brain must really be fried at the moment. Damn cold... Though I'm still kinda wondering why the 2% increase in range and 1% over Irene herself. Adding prediction to it shouldn't have made QS easier to achieve, at less power output wise. I find it odd, maybe it has something to do with going over her limit a few times since merging with the arm. The skill seems unrelated to ease of activating the ability and more so since she surpassed Irene's ability to do so. After all Clare should have been listed with that power 3 times, once with her left hand, once with Irene's hand without yoki prediction and once with.

Argh... too tired and sick to think clearly. Save this discussion for another thread and time.

Originally Posted by SagaraSouske View Post
All three have the skill, but Teresa and Clare operate it differently then Galatea. Galatea elevate it to manipulation as suppose to Teresa and Clare use to predict opp attacks and preemp them.
Anyways, my argument was pretty much just that, note that I didn't say preempt but predict. All three can yoki predict but not preempt the others said I was wrong and only Teresa and Clare could. I said Riful flat out explained that that Galatea could read yoki down to it's most minute detail and was able see what was going to happen as a result of the yoki flow and then apply yoki manipulation to get it to move in a more advantageous way. Hence why she could manipulate something to miss her in combat constantly, if she just manipulated opponents without knowing what they where about to do she'd end up in a world of hurt. I added Galatea sensing both Miata and Agatha about to hit her at the same time and realizing she could only block one of them as evidence of her being able to sense and predict incoming attacks.

In any case I posted a speculation that yoki manipulation and yoki preemption stemmed from the same basic skill... yoki prediction. So I do have a few I told you so to go around.... if I could only remember to whom... damn cold.
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