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Old 2012-07-09, 06:05   Link #744
Sunder the Gold
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2011
Abusive language can be a weapon too; a pyschological weapon that destroys the opponent's clarity or even their very will to fight. Yet I doubt the runes enhance just any form of offense; only those using physical weapons.

But if Derflinger tool the form of a shield (Captain America style) rather than a sword...

But I really would like for Yuuno to be the Windalfr, for the information-gathering possibilities.

I'm told that the specific Void familiars have had an impact upon the history of the five nations, but how? Saito seems to be the only Gandalfr the world has seen since Brimir; have there been various Windalfrs over the years, serving the Church?

Even better than Windalfr would be the Mind of God.

But speaking of magical items, if we were going to cross the Nanohaverse with the Zeroverse, wouldnt we exchange all of the Earth weapons for Devices?

The staff of destruction might be a staff Device like Raising Heart. The business with the wind stones might be a Lost Logia gone awry.

But even changing none of that, and even making Yuuno a Gandalfr, the story could be loads of fun.
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