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Old 2010-10-27, 20:46   Link #49
Cross Game - I need more
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: I've moved around the American West. I've lived in Oregon, Washington, Utah, and Oklahoma
Age: 44
I was surprised that the Sora chapter was given an entire episode. But I think people who are screaming about everything has been RUINED FOREVER, are getting a bit overwrought.

I enjoyed the school scenes, because they fit exactly with my experience. Not with games, but books. I was always reading when I was in junior high and highschool. I read while walking in the hallways, I read while walking to school, I read on the bus, in the car. And yes, I read in class. And yes, the teachers would try to catch me out by asking me questions, and I would answer them correctly leaving them flummoxed. Taking my books away didn't stop me either, I was often reading three or four different books at the same time. Once I got as high as 7 different books. And I always aced my tests, (except spelling, spelling always got me). It got to the point that teachers would just try to ignore me. Except they would sometimes say something that was incorrect- at which point I would put my book down and raise my hand. They would feel forced to call on me and then I would point out how what they had said wasn't actually correct. (I always read my entire textbook for the class during the first two weeks).

I swear. Looking back now I can understand why so many teachers hated me. But I didn't care at all back then. I was a man possessed. I'd read anything. Anything. Fantasy, Sci-Fi, geography books, biographies, economic analysis, newspapers, the encyclopedia, the dictionary, even the girly books that my sisters would hide from me (although that was only when I was desperate- no other unread books left in the house, and unable to visit the library). So I guess I sort of understand Keima a little bit.

Also, I think it did effectively show Keima's nobility of spirit, underneath the twisted mind of an otaku. His "save any heroine" will surely become a plot point eventually.

I also did get the impression that Sora did somehow realize that she was trapped, and that no one could save her except Keima. It might have been stronger in the manga, but I think there are virtues to being subtle, and it didn't really bother me. Just something extra to those paying attention.

As for the references... did Keima turn into an EVA at one point?

So... yes, it was a slow episode. And they could have covered the same material much faster, although I'm not sure the emotional impact would be the same.

I did notice the slowness of the episode though. A little too slow if judging the episode on it's own merits. But as part of the greater series I think it might not be a bad idea. We were clipping along at a rather rapid pace and we are about to hit the heroine that is the first really step up in the plot and intensity. This breather episode might not be a bad idea.

Spoiler for Future Events hinted at by the ending picture of today's episode:

Cross Game - A Story of Love, Life, Death - and Baseball. What more could you want?
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