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Old 2009-02-08, 10:51   Link #82
Absolute Haruhist!
Join Date: Mar 2006
Age: 37
Originally Posted by DSDSSDWE View Post
I think the whole nakama/friendship thing is a bit too cliche and unfitting for a pirate world. Surely, you don't need to be a pirate, get a crew, be strong and fight countless life and death battles (where some/most of them will most likely die at some point during said battles) to learn of and obtain the prize of all prizes: friendship! Utterly ridiculous. The Care Bears called and they want their freaking theme back!

The most fitting prize in this violent pirate world is something that Luffy himself already hinted at: the guy with the most freedom in this whole ocean is the pirate king. That is what Gold D Rogers left far behind before his head was hacked off: the title and the power that came with being the strongest pirate in all of the seas. To go and do anything you want, not stopped by fellow pirates or the WG or whoever stands in your way. Rogers himself was supposedly unstoppable, but eventually got struck down by a disease and surrendered to the WG himself. That's how WB became the strongest man by default, but that does not mean WB has attained that same strength and freedom that Rogers has attained with his crew.
If you think the concept of Nakama is too cliche and unfitting for this story, then you've probably been watching One Piece with a wrong perspective.

Luffy did hint that he wants to travel through the seas freely and have many great adventures. But he also says that he wants to do so with his Nakama, right from the start of the story. He starts out looking for a crew, a group of Nakama he can sail the seas with and even now he's still looking for more.

The theme of One Piece is Dreams and Nakama, both of equal importance.
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