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Old 2011-06-08, 19:32   Link #108
Crossdressing Menmatic
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Where you live... the question is, do you see me?
Age: 30
Well, Ohana finally did herself in. And Ohana's not even a quarter the age of her grandmother... she should take better care of her own health. Pushing a human body to it's stamina limits is admirable, but unadvised when your job is cleaning the front desk and entrance. Recklessly chasing after a bat with a broom is a surefire way to get tired, and quickly. There's no need to get overly determined over simple housework.

I actually admire the fighting spirit of Ohana. Kissuiso really needs Ohana's enthusiasm to operate - just as Minko and Nako say (although they may have been saying so to make Ohana feel better). So, they also need her to learn self-restraint. Know one's own limitations, and work within them. Ohana can still get up early in the morning, but maybe not so early.

The moral of the story is good - throw in feverish, dream-like elements, and the entire episode becomes a surreal experience. Seriously, I almost thought they replaced Mari Okada with Franz Kafka. Ohana eating Tohru's food could have been a meaningful, dramatic event... if the camera weren't so zoomed into Ohana's wet lips and Tohru's red face. Jiroumaru's masterfully crafted story about Madam Manager - reminded me of episode 3, and this is not a good thing. Finally, Ohana encountering Ko at a Bonbouri Festival was simply unnecessary.

Some works of fiction have incorporated both realistic and unrealistic elements together to make something wonderful... but they all do so from the start. Changing the style this late in the game inevitably messes up the content. Hanasaku Iroha's selling point is real-life drama.

Despite being harsh with my comments, I'm a generous rater. I just never give out 10s.

Episode 10 Rating: 8/10
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