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Old 2005-12-23, 10:10   Link #63
hi no ken Jebus
Senior Member
Join Date: Jun 2004
Originally Posted by Nightengale
Xiao Long, Ill Forte and the guy Ikkaku defeated all used their zanpakutou. They all also released it already.

And your second question...NOT. One of the Espadas is clearly one ugly fatso, whom Illforte and Xiao Long looks more bishie. Ulqioulla is clearly Espadas, same to that tanned girl and one old looking thin guy.
Oddly enough none of the silouhettes resembled anything like Yammy unless he's the one next to grimmjow and is covered up by the text bubble. So he might be a 11+ member which would explain why Yoruichi was flipping him like a pancake.

Anyway Shawlong and co. sealed their fate when they revealed the Espadas were the strongest of the bunch and possibly the Vastrode class menos Hitsugaya was describing. I doubt they have anything like an arankaru version of bankai or anymore tricks so I expect next chapter crappygami renji will once again evade death along with histugaya. Besides they have outlived their usefulness and Shawlong was such a good badguy. Grimmjow on the otherhand better live up to his big talk.
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