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Old 2013-08-04, 12:50   Link #29849
temporary safeguard
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Germany
Real estate seems to attract some weird moralist views from people who otherwise have no qualms with capitalism.

There is some ongoing quarrel in Germany, where some entities build luxury appartments into so called "in-scene-quarters". These are the hippest and most promising places to live in cities and property prices are skyrocketing there, mind you.
So they get called 'evil' because 'poor people can't pay those rents! how are they supposed to live there now'?
Those companies must have payed fortunes to get a hold of the land. Of course they will build high value objects on them. And why would anyone have a right to live in the best quarters, in newly built appartments, for almost no cost?
It makes no sense. But that's what these complainers seem to believe.

If it was about anything else than real estate, they would get it. But somehow that's different.
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