Thread: Licensed Scryed (S-cry-ed)
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Old 2007-04-23, 12:47   Link #42
Join Date: Jan 2007
Originally Posted by animeffs13240 View Post
I just recently joined the forum like a few weeks ago so the people argueing won't even get to see what i thought about it but i don't really care
ANYWAYS I just got to say wow, never seen so much hate for an anime on any anime forum. I thought the ending was great, in fact unlike most people i thought the second half was better than the first half. The second half did start off slow but it did end great. The final battle between Ryuho and Kazuma was impressive to say the least (it really showed how much guts and respect these guys had) I know a lot of people were looking for a relationship among the two main characters, but I actually couldn't see them getting together. Ryuho had too much pride and responsibiliyt to deal with a girl (and it was mimori who did cling on to him as someone posted earlier) I couldn't see Kanami and Kazuma hooking up either. Kazuma was like a father figure to Kanami (even though Kanami was the responsible one) Kazama was too wild for Kanami too handle, plus at the end Kanami had an alter power that could tell how Kazuma and Ryuho were doing.
Someone posted that earlier that there should be a second season and some one else argued there shouldn't
I don't think there is going to be a next one but I can kind of see a story come in. I mean the mainland did say they had a couple of spies in the lost ground, but when it showed the image of Kanami grown up (boy, did she look cute ) the lost ground was in growing just fine, so i'm guessing nothing really went wrong...if they had done a second season the writers probably would have done it about the second generation and not about Kazuma and Ryuho.
Anyways I liked how the series ended, and I love the series overall.

Look at Hellsing TV Series threads and you'll see no one likes that either. It's ironic that my favourite anime are the ones that people hate the most...first is Hellsing, then S-cry-ed, then Big O
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